howto-compile-linux - Overview of the steps to compile cclive on GNU/Linux
This document is an overview on how to compile and install cclive on a GNU/Linux system.
This document is Debian oriented but should translate easily to other GNU/Linux systems
See the README file for the complete list of the prerequisites
This documentation uses VPATH to confine all derived files to a single directory, to keep the source directories uncluttered
These instructions were written with 0.9+ in mind, though they could be followed to build and install 0.7 with different {download links}
Building and installation
Install the prerequisites:
$ sudo aptitude install libboost-program-options-dev libboost-system-dev \ libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-iostreams-dev \ libboost-date-time-dev libglibmm-2.4-dev \ libpcre3-dev
We will install the most recent official version of libquvi and libquvi-scripts, not the Debian packaged binaries -
Follow the howto-compile-linux(7) installation steps for the quvi components
Install libquvi-scripts and libquvi (you can skip the installation steps for quvi) — return to this page after that and continue from below -
Get the latest official release of cclive:
$ cd ~/build/tar/ $ curl -JLO# ""
You can also use wget --content-disposition URL instead of curl(1) -
Verify the download (optional, recommended):
$ curl -JLO# "" $ gpg --recv-keys 0xCAC8C0A9 $ gpg --verify cclive-*.tar.xz.sig
Verify the additional SHA512 checksum (for the paranoid):
$ curl -JLO# "" $ gpg --verify SHA512SUMS $ sha512sum -c SHA512SUMS
Extract, compile and install cclive:
$ cd ~/build/ $ export DEST=`pwd`/inst $ tar xf tar/cclive-*.tar.xz $ cd cclive-* ; mkdir tmp ; cd tmp $ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$DEST/lib/pkgconfig/ ../configure --prefix=$DEST $ make install $ cd ~/build/
The executable can be found in the bin directory:
$ $DEST/bin/cclive --version
Modify MANPATH so that man(1) will find the installed manpages:
$ export MANPATH=$DEST/share/man/:$MANPATH $ man 1 cclive