FAQ: General

How is cclive licensed?
0.9 and later

Free Software, licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPLv3+).

0.7 series

Free Software, licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPLv3+)

Which operating systems does (lib)quvi run on?

GNU/Linux and BSD (supported by the upstream). Other ports may exist, none of which the upstream officially supports.

How is cclive different from clive?

cclive (C++) is a rewrite of clive (Perl).

Why cannot cclive support the x website?

cclive does not directly support any websites, the support is provided by libquvi(-scripts) of the quvi project. See the quvi’s FAQ entry.

Why does not cclive support x protocol?

The program was designed handle HTTP transfers only. Support for the RTMP and other protocols are not currently implemented. Patches welcome.


How can I customize the title filter?
$ man 1 cclive

Look up the --tr option.

Does cclive support unicode characters?


Why am I seeing mangled characters in filenames?

This is most likely because your terminal/system hasn’t been configured to handle UTF-8. You would usually see something like this:

$ echo $LANG

On a GNU/Linux system you could get a list of all available public locales:

$ locale -a

Additionally, some terminals may not handle UTF-8 properly. With urxvt(1), you might run:

$ LANG=en_US.UTF-8 urxvt &
$ cclive URL ;# run in the new terminal


How can I use (mediaplayer) to stream the media without downloading it?

Since cclive was intended to be a media download tool, you are better off using quvi(1) of the quvi project and the --exec option.

Could cclive be used to download closed-captions/subtitles from YouTube?

Currently, no. But you could use either quvi-get(1) (0.9+) of the quvi project, or gcap(1). The former is intended to replace the latter, eventually.

Could cclive be used to download YouTube playlists?

Currently, no. But you could use either quvi-get(1) (0.9+) of the quvi project, or umph(1). The former is intended to replace the latter, eventually.


What support is available for cclive?

See the mailing lists. Before you post to the list, please read the manual page for cclive, first.

Where can I report a bug?

See the Reporting bugs.

Where can I submit a patch?

See the Contributing pages.